Saturday, October 16
10 am – 2 pm USA eastern daylight time
(14:00 – 18:00 UTC)
In-person participants will convene at the University of Southern Maine in Portland (directions below). After conference presentations, they will tour the Osher Map Library, accompanied by archivist Jane Ward. (The Osher Map Collection now includes insurance drawings that were formerly in the collections of the American Textile History Museum.)
The Osher Library has limited the number of tour participants. Only the first 20 persons to register for in-person conference attendance will be eligible for the library tour.
Online participants will view program presentations live via Zoom video conferencing and can comment and ask questions. They will receive sign-in instructions in advance by email.
- Welcome and Introduction
- “Latest ‘Real World’ Tidal Energy Activity” – David Hoyle, independent researcher
- “Tide Mill at Truro” – Tim Richards, amateur historian
- “How New York’s Tide Mills Initiated the City’s Commercial Growth” – Robert Singleton, director, Greater Astoria Historical Society, Queens, New York
- “How Portugal’s Tide Mills Supported European Expansion” – Claudia Silveira, tide mill historian
- “Downeast Tide Mill: A Family Story” – Robert Bell, Tide Mill Enterprises, and Bud Warren, co-founder of Tide Mill Institute
- “The New Online Tide Mill Database” – Robert Gray, database developer and amateur historian
- Presentation Wrap-Up and Discussion
- TMI annual meeting and election of officers
- Farewell to Online Participants
- Lunch Break
- Osher Map Library Tour (Limit: first 20 in-person participants)
State and local Covid protocols require masks for in-person conference participants.
Registration has closed for this conference. Please join us next year.