About the Tide Mill Institute

The Tide Mill Institute hopes to advance the appreciation of tide mill history and technology by encouraging research, by promoting appropriate re-uses of former tide mill sites, and by fostering communication among tide mill enthusiasts.

Institute Structure

The Tide Mill Institute began as an institute sponsored by the Dorchester Historical Society in Boston, Massachusetts, with an eventual goal of incorporating and attaining independent non-profit status. The institute is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation registered in the state of Maine, U.S.A.


  • To advance appreciation of the American and international heritage of tide mill technology;
  • To encourage research into the location and history of tide mill sites;
  • To serve as a repository for tide mill data for students, scholars, engineers and the general public and to support and expand the community of these tide mill stakeholders;
  • To promote appropriate re-uses of old tide-mill sites and the development of the use of tides as an energy source.

Founding History

The idea for the Institute came from John Goff, former editor of the Tide Mill Times. In preparing a study of the James Blake House in Dorchester, Massachusetts, John discovered that Dorchester, like many other coastal towns, had tide mills constructed and operated by the earliest European settlers in the 17th century. This discovery rekindled his interest in the history of tide mills on the New England coast.

Following discussions with Earl Taylor of the Dorchester Historical Society and Bud Warren, a researcher interested especially in the tide mills of Maine and New Hampshire, the three of them decided to establish the Tide Mill Institute in 2005.

To find out more about the Institute, come to a conference or contact us.

Current Leadership

Tide Mill Institute Leaders