In the early 1980s and fresh out of engineering school, Kurt Dietrich was assigned to engineer a foundation restoration and preservation project at the historic Van Wyck-Lefferts tide mill in Huntington, N.Y. The stone work was deteriorating badly from the action of rising and falling salt water tides and needed repair to keep the 200-year-old building from falling into Puppy Cove on Long Island’s north shore. His solution: repoint the foundation stones and then protect them with a timber bulkhead to fend off the action of waves and ice.
At the time, Dietrich probably never imagined he’d be revisiting his project in 2023 when his 1980 solution was reaching the end of its lifetime. But that’s exactly what happened. Now he’s on the board of directors of Van Wyck-Lefferts Tide Mill Sanctuary and the old mill foundation once again needs attention. (But this is no criticism of the 1980s preservation project. Forty years is a respectable lifetime for a foundation structure under constant attack by 7-1/2-foot tides, storms, and floods.)
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