Registration has opened for the 2023 annual tide mill conference: “Harnessing Tides for Energy and Agriculture.” This year’s conference will convene at the brand-new McGoldrick Center at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, October 28, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (12:30 to 16:30 UTC).
Join other tide mill enthusiasts and scholars in-person or online (via Zoom conferencing) to participate in talks about a recent archeological study of tide mill ruins, the history of a 20th century proposal to harness the tides in Passamaquoddy Bay, future tidal energy initiatives worldwide, and the impact of 17th-century dykes along the shores of Bay of Fundy in today’s Nova Scotia from the time of their construction to the present.
The conference fee is $25, payable online or by check.
Conference postponed until spring, 2024