Ancestors of the Millstone

Saddle quern and rubbing stone. (Image courtesy of Claire H., CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.) Click to enlarge.

Tide mills were built for a variety of purposes, but probably their most common and best known use was grinding grain into flour: the grist mill. The heart of a grist mill, whether powered by tides, freshwater streams, wind or animal power, is its millstones. These disk-shaped, grooved stones are familiar to mill enthusiasts worldwide.

But how did people convert grain into flour before these stones and the methods for powering them became available? Mills Archive, an organization near London (U.K.) dedicated to preservation of mill history, recently sent out a reminder about an article on their website describing manual tools used for grinding grain since prehistoric times. And some of these tools, such as saddle querns, are still grinding grain in some parts of the world today.

Read “The First Milling Stones” on the Mills Archive website.

Note: This article is just one of an excellent series on the Mills Archive website and well worth exploring: “From Quern to Computer: The History of Flour Milling.”

A Better Mill for Truro

By Tim Richards

In 1844 a better [tide mill] was erected upon the site….

from History of Plymouth County, Massachusetts.
Compiled by Simeon D. Hamilton Hurd, 1884.
Artist’s conception of the Truro Tide Mill with a vertical undershot water wheel, before its improvement in the 1840s. (Drawing by Andrew Richards.)

Development of the Truro Tide Mill before 1790 created a high-value business for the town and owners. Fifty years later, Truro was booming. Driven by increased cod and mackerel catches, the town’s population leapt from 1,547 in 1830 to 2,051 by 1850. More mouths to feed meant more demand for flour. It was not assured, however, that the aging tide mill could retain its share of that business.

In 1840, Truro supported the tide mill and three windmills. Recently-built windmills incorporated longer, more efficient blades, increasing their grinding capacity over a wider range of wind conditions. This competition may have pressured the tide mill proprietors to increase their mill’s horsepower and operating hours.

At the same time, important Truro Tide Mill proprietors likely faced a separate financial challenge. In April 1841 Anthony Snow Collins mortgaged his home and other property to the newly-established Truro Fire and Marine Insurance Company for $250. At least seven other tide mill owners mortgaged their houses with the same company at this time. These mortgages appear to have represented their investment in the company.

Continue reading “A Better Mill for Truro”

View Tide Mill Ruins from the Air in Midcoast Maine

Long-time Tide Mill Institute supporter John Morse commissioned videographer and drone pilot Troy Watson to take drone video of four tide mill sites in and around Phippsburg, Maine, on the Kennebec River just south of Bath. The result is clear and spectacular views of these sites – available online to anyone. Click the links below to view these videos on YouTube.

As these ruins continue to degrade with age, the videos will become more and more valuable as part of the historic record. Tide Mill Institute is grateful to John for making them available.

World’s Most Powerful Tidal Turbine Gears Up for Operation

by David Hoyle

Editor’s note: This post by TMI member David Hoyle is TMI’s first digest of recent tidal energy development news with links to the full articles. Further updates will be posted regularly, in keeping with one of Tide Mill Institute’s missions: promoting tidal energy development. Thank you David!

Scottish company Orbital Marine Power will commission its Orbital O2 tidal turbine near the Orkney Islands. The 2 MW tidal turbine is billed as the world’s largest (compare with 1.5 MW MeyGen turbines, below). Note that in Scotland 2 MW is touted as power for 2000 homes – in the US the claim would be more like 300-400 homes. Also mentioned is a project to gather data on the tidal energy potential off of the Scilly Islands SW of England. The article concludes with the following statistics: 260 KW of tidal stream capacity was installed in Europe in 2020 versus 14.7 GW of wind capacity installed in the same year. Thanks to Richard Duffy and others for pointing out this article.
Read the article at

More Tidal Energy Headlines

The world’s most powerful tidal turbine launches in Scotland
This is another article about Orbital Marine Power’s Orbital O2 turbine, but it includes some excellent animations showing how the turbine will be installed and how it will operate.
Read the article at

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Tide Mills Solve 18th-Century Energy Crisis

Today’s pedestrian causeway was built on the
foundation of the old mill dam. Barrell’s Mill Pond is on the right, and York River is left. (Photo by Robert Gordon.)

We usually think of power shortages as 21st-Century phenomena, recently in news about California and Texas. But as early as 1720, colonial York, Maine, also faced a power shortage that threatened the economic growth of the settlement. According to a recent research paper by Bob Gordon, every possible site in the early town had by then been exploited for its water power, but there still wasn’t enough energy to support and expand an export economy that relied on grain mills and sawmills.

To solve the problem – and make a profit while doing so – 19 men with vision organized to dam York’s Meeting House Creek, creating a mill pond to power sawmills and grist mills using the energy of the tides. The project tripled the mechanical energy available in York and was the largest tidal power project in New England at the time. The business, named New Mills Company, turned out to be a great financial success for its owners.

The milling operations prospered for decades after their establishment, but President Jefferson’s trade embargo, the War of 1812, a depression and the depletion of the nearby forests eventually led to the failure of business at the site. Later entrepreneurs attempted ice harvesting operations and real estate development around the pond, but they failed. Finally in 1922, a local society came to the rescue, repairing the original dam so pedestrian traffic could cross the mouth of the creek.

The site of the dam and the tidal pond, now called Barrell’s Mill Pond, is today a peaceful, photogenic spot with a graceful causeway over the old dam leading to Steedman Woods Nature Reserve. Except for the explanatory plaque near the east end of the dam, little evidence remains of the busy industrial operations once centered there.

Read more about the history of Barrell’s Mill Pond in Bob Gordon’s report.

Cape Cod Mill Values: Tide vs. Wind

By Tim Richards

The miller was one of the early Cape [Cod] society’s most important citizens…. The mill and he were so important to the towns that they both enjoyed a tax-exempt status. Also, the miller was exempt from serving in the militia and in public office.

— Jim Gilbert, The Provincetown [Mass.] Advocate, April 4, 1977.

In seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth century America, mills ranked among a town’s most important institutions. As a matter of town business, communities offered incentives to secure and retain the services of skilled millers. The financial value of the Truro Tide Mill on Cape Cod in Massachusetts provides an additional dimension to this narrative.

1790 recorded bill of sale transferring ownership of one-eighth share of the Truro Tide Mill for twenty-four pounds, six shillings. (Click to enlarge.)

In 1790, soon after the Truro Tide Mill went into service, one of its owners passed away. Samuel Rich’s estate sold his one eighth share in the mill complex to Benjamin Hinckley (possibly already a co-owner) for twenty-four pounds, six shillings. Converting pounds to 1790 dollars, that sales price valued the entire mill complex at over $850.

To put this valuation in perspective, in the 1787-1790 period two Cape Cod houses sold for an average of $165 and salt meadow adjoining the Mill Pond sold for an average of $32 per acre. These salt meadows were among the most expensive undeveloped land on Cape Cod, probably due to their value in producing hay and as a location for salt-works.

Continue reading “Cape Cod Mill Values: Tide vs. Wind”